Philips SNA6600


The Philips SNA6600 is a ADSL and wireless router with 4 ports ethernet switch. It is a clone of the 3Com 3CRWDR100A, and it is based on the AR7 platform. It is widely sold in Belgium by the main ISP Belgacom under the product name "Belgacom ADSL wireless".


Serial port


A serial console can be connected to J4. The serial signals are at a 3.3V level, so you need to use a level convertor. The serial signal itself is 115200 baud, 8 databits, 1 stopbit, no parity (8N1).

The pinout for the serial is:

9 7 5 3 1
10 8 6 4 2

RX = 3
TX = 5
GND = 9
3.3V = 10


Put the output here:

=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2009.11.29 20:43:38 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

====== console mode ======
  shift-0: enable debug
  shift-9: enable config
  ENTER  : show this help

====== console mode ======
  shift-0: enable debug
  shift-9: enable config
  ENTER  : show this help
Running Console Debug... !!!

======= Console Debug =======
 (1)   Alert Mail Testing
 (2)   Web Upgrage
 (3)   Write Web
 (4)   Firmware Upgrage
 (5)   Write Firmware
 (6)   Warm Reboot
 (8)   Show B0,B1 Mem pool
 (a)   <MENU> gConfig
 (b)   <MENU> gSetting
 (c)   <MENU> DHCP Client
 (d)   <MENU> Dial
 (e)   <MENU> Ethernet
 (f)   <MENU> Firewall
 (p)   <MENU> PPPoE
 (s)   <MENU> System
 (w)   <MENU> Wireless
 (x)   Exit
 (?)   Help
[Debug]: user_drv : main loop begin !!!

Reset ...

Warm_Reboot(), rebooting ...
TRAP(warmStart) : send ok!

 TI ADSL AR7300 Loader 0.69.2 build May  4 2006 11:22:20
                 Broad Net Technology, INC.
MX29LV160B bottom boot 16-bit mode found

Copying boot params.....DONE

Press any key to enter command mode ...

[AR7300 Boot]:

 [U] Upload to Flash  
 [E] Erase Flash      
 [G] Run Runtime Code 
 [A] Set MAC Address 
 [#] Set Serial Number 
 [V] Set Board Version 
 [H] Set Options 
 [P] Print Boot Params 

[AR7300 Boot]:

 [U] Upload to Flash  
 [E] Erase Flash      
 [G] Run Runtime Code 
 [A] Set MAC Address 
 [#] Set Serial Number 
 [V] Set Board Version 
 [H] Set Options 
 [P] Print Boot Params 

[AR7300 Boot]:

 [U] Upload to Flash  
 [E] Erase Flash      
 [G] Run Runtime Code 
 [A] Set MAC Address 
 [#] Set Serial Number 
 [V] Set Board Version 
 [H] Set Options 
 [P] Print Boot Params 

[AR7300 Boot]:

 [U] Upload to Flash  
 [E] Erase Flash      
 [G] Run Runtime Code 
 [A] Set MAC Address 
 [#] Set Serial Number 
 [V] Set Board Version 
 [H] Set Options 
 [P] Print Boot Params 

[AR7300 Boot]:

 [U] Upload to Flash  
 [E] Erase Flash      
 [G] Run Runtime Code 
 [A] Set MAC Address 
 [#] Set Serial Number 
 [V] Set Board Version 
 [H] Set Options 
 [P] Print Boot Params 

[AR7300 Boot]:

 [U] Upload to Flash  
 [E] Erase Flash      
 [G] Run Runtime Code 
 [A] Set MAC Address 
 [#] Set Serial Number 
 [V] Set Board Version 
 [H] Set Options 
 [P] Print Boot Params 

[AR7300 Boot]:

 [U] Upload to Flash  
 [E] Erase Flash      
 [G] Run Runtime Code 
 [A] Set MAC Address 
 [#] Set Serial Number 
 [V] Set Board Version 
 [H] Set Options 
 [P] Print Boot Params 

[AR7300 Boot]:

 [U] Upload to Flash  
 [E] Erase Flash      
 [G] Run Runtime Code 
 [A] Set MAC Address 
 [#] Set Serial Number 
 [V] Set Board Version 
 [H] Set Options 
 [P] Print Boot Params 

[AR7300 Boot]:

 [U] Upload to Flash  
 [E] Erase Flash      
 [G] Run Runtime Code 
 [A] Set MAC Address 
 [#] Set Serial Number 
 [V] Set Board Version 
 [H] Set Options 
 [P] Print Boot Params 

[AR7300 Boot]:u

    Area            Address      Length 
[0] Boot            0xB0000000     128K
[1] Configuration   0xB0020000     128K
[2] Web Image       0xB0040000     832K
[3] Code Image      0xB0110000     896K
[4] Boot Params     0xB01F0000      64K
[5] Flash Image     0xB0000000    2048K
Enter area to UPLOAD: 
ERROR: Not a valid area.

[AR7300 Boot]:p

MAC address     : 00-12-BF-3C-F9-AA
Serial number   : J641026240
Hardware version: 01
Options         : 00-00-00-00-00-00

[AR7300 Boot]:h

Enter Boot Option (00-00-00-00-00-00-00): 
Invalid Options

[AR7300 Boot]:h

Enter Boot Option (00-00-00-00-00-00-00): 

[AR7300 Boot]:

 [U] Upload to Flash  
 [E] Erase Flash      
 [G] Run Runtime Code 
 [A] Set MAC Address 
 [#] Set Serial Number 
 [V] Set Board Version 
 [H] Set Options 
 [P] Print Boot Params 

[AR7300 Boot]:V

Enter Board Version (01): 

[AR7300 Boot]:G

Unzipping program from bank 2...done
Try to find image for running...
Unzipping program from bank 3...done
In C_Entry() function ...
sys_irq_init() ...
##### _ftext      = 0x94000000
##### _fdata      = 0x941E4490
##### __bss_start = 0x942564B8
##### end         = 0x94D8D094
##### Backup Data from 0x941E4490 to 0x94DAD094~0x94E1F0BC len 466984
##### Backup Data completed
##### Backup Data verified
Unzipping from B0040000 to 94F00000 ... done
Uncompressed size = 723095
Unzipping WEB...ok
[INIT] MTinitialize ..
userclk_init() ...
Runtime code version: 0.42
System startup...
[INIT] Memory COLOR 0, 800000 bytes ..
[INIT] Memory COLOR 1, 300000 bytes ..
[INIT] Memory COLOR 2, 1399776 bytes ..
DSL HAL Version:
Sangam detected, rev 0x22
set dspfreq 250Mhz
Sangam clock boost 250
Enable Analog PLL 

SAR_FREQUNCY = 62500000Hz

manu_id=00C2 chip_id=2249
MX29LV160B bottom boot 16-bit mode found
Set flash memory layout to Boot Parameters found !!!
Bootcode version: 0.69.2
Serial number: J641026240
Hardware version: 01

manu_id=00C2 chip_id=2249
MX29LV160B bottom boot 16-bit mode found

my CFGVersionMagic = 0x33343536, old CFGVersionMagic on flash = 0x33343536
my CFGsize = 87776, my CFGDescSize = 16559
my Version = 0.42, Version on flash= 0.42
CFGsize on flash = 87776, CFGDescSize on flash = 16559
(oldCfg) success to request memory, size:104335

manu_id=00C2 chip_id=2249
MX29LV160B bottom boot 16-bit mode found
OldCfgHexSize:1870,    6256
(tmpbuf) success to request memory, size:6256
(oldCfgStrDesc) success to request memory, size:16559
Unzipping from 94432500 to 9442E440 ... done
Uncompressed size = 16557
Tail : END_III_Config_t

Size of Old CFG_DESC is :16557!!!
Unzipping from 9442CBC0 to 94428B00 ... done
Uncompressed size = 16557
Size of my CFG_DESC is :16557!!!
Tail : END_III_Config_t

Restore Config file from ver:0.42!!!

backup_hwlan 0 1
Update TR69 config 
default route:
NUM_OF_B0=0 NUM_OF_B1=1200
*BUF0=0x94805bc0 *BUF1=0x945d7eb0
Altgn *BUF0=0x94805bc0 *BUF1=0x945d7eb0
End at BUF0:0x94805bc0, BUF1:0x94805bb0

BUF0[0]=0x94805bc0 BUF1[0]=0x945d7eb0

buffer0 pointer init OK!
buffer1 pointer init OK!
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
Interface 0 ip =

Memory request 2072 left 297928 ptr 942EE5E4
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42EE5E4 size:2072
MAC1 [RX=128 TX=1]: TI External PHY
MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:aa
[VLAN] port: 0x0003 vlan: 0x000c
[VLAN] ifno: 1 port: 3 vlan: 0x1030
[VLAN] ifno: 1 port: 4 vlan: 0x1028
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00

manu_id=00C2 chip_id=2249
MX29LV160B bottom boot 16-bit mode found
Interface 1 ip =

hwlan_init : ifno 2 TIWLANifno = 2
[HWLAN] MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:ac
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
Interface 2 ip =

Init SAR ifno:3 chan:0 VPI/VCI:8/35
Init PDSP ...
Init PDSP done.
Memory request 552 left 297376 ptr 942EEDFC
Call tn7sar_malloc() addr:B42EEDFC size:552
[aal5->os]2.IsrRegister(OsDev:942568a4, halIsr:94119c84, Interrupt:15)
[aal5]halControl(HalDev:94d099e0, Key:OamMode, Action:Set, Value:94dacf3c)
[aal5]halChannelSetup(HalDev:94d099e0, HalCh:94dace80, OsSetup:00000000)
  [aal5 Inst 0, Ch 0] Config Dump:
    TxNumBuffers  :00000128, TxNumQueues :00000002
    RxNumBuffers  :00000128, RxBufSize   :00001582
    TxServiceMax  :00000032, RxServiceMax:00000016
    RxBufferOffset:00000000, DaMask      :00000001
    CpcsUU        :00000000, Gfc         :00000000
    Clp           :00000000, Pti         :00000000
    Priority      :00000002, PktType     :00000000
    Vci           :00000035, Vpi         :00000008
    TxVc_CellRate :00015625, TxVc_QosType:00000002
    TxVc_Mbs      :00015625, TxVc_Pcr    :00015625
InitTcb(CH:0): tcbsize:48 allsize:6160 num:128
Memory request 6160 left 291216 ptr 942EF024
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42EF024 size:6160
Memory request 6160 left 285056 ptr 942F0834
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42F0834 size:6160
InitRcb(CH:0): rcbsize:64 allsize:8208 num:128
Memory request 8208 left 276848 ptr 942F2044
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42F2044 size:8208
Call halChannelSetup(), Ch:0
Install SAR handler ...
MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:ab
Interface 3 ip =

Init SAR ifno:4 chan:1 VPI/VCI:0/32
[aal5]halChannelSetup(HalDev:94d099e0, HalCh:94dace40, OsSetup:00000000)
  [aal5 Inst 0, Ch 1] Config Dump:
    TxNumBuffers  :00000064, TxNumQueues :00000002
    RxNumBuffers  :00000064, RxBufSize   :00001582
    TxServiceMax  :00000032, RxServiceMax:00000016
    RxBufferOffset:00000000, DaMask      :00000001
    CpcsUU        :00000000, Gfc         :00000000
    Clp           :00000000, Pti         :00000000
    Priority      :00000002, PktType     :00000000
    Vci           :00000032, Vpi         :00000000
    TxVc_CellRate :00015625, TxVc_QosType:00000002
    TxVc_Mbs      :00015625, TxVc_Pcr    :00015625
InitTcb(CH:1): tcbsize:48 allsize:3088 num:64
Memory request 3088 left 273760 ptr 942F4054
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42F4054 size:3088
Memory request 3088 left 270672 ptr 942F4C64
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42F4C64 size:3088
InitRcb(CH:1): rcbsize:64 allsize:4112 num:64
Memory request 4112 left 266560 ptr 942F5874
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42F5874 size:4112
Call halChannelSetup(), Ch:1
MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:ad

manu_id=00C2 chip_id=2249
MX29LV160B bottom boot 16-bit mode found
Interface 4 ip =

Init SAR ifno:5 chan:2 VPI/VCI:1/32
[aal5]halChannelSetup(HalDev:94d099e0, HalCh:94dace40, OsSetup:00000000)
  [aal5 Inst 0, Ch 2] Config Dump:
    TxNumBuffers  :00000064, TxNumQueues :00000002
    RxNumBuffers  :00000064, RxBufSize   :00001582
    TxServiceMax  :00000032, RxServiceMax:00000016
    RxBufferOffset:00000000, DaMask      :00000001
    CpcsUU        :00000000, Gfc         :00000000
    Clp           :00000000, Pti         :00000000
    Priority      :00000002, PktType     :00000000
    Vci           :00000032, Vpi         :00000001
    TxVc_CellRate :00015625, TxVc_QosType:00000002
    TxVc_Mbs      :00015625, TxVc_Pcr    :00015625
InitTcb(CH:2): tcbsize:48 allsize:3088 num:64
Memory request 3088 left 263472 ptr 942F6884
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42F6884 size:3088
Memory request 3088 left 260384 ptr 942F7494
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42F7494 size:3088
InitRcb(CH:2): rcbsize:64 allsize:4112 num:64
Memory request 4112 left 256272 ptr 942F80A4
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42F80A4 size:4112
Call halChannelSetup(), Ch:2
MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:ae
Interface 5 ip =

Init SAR ifno:6 chan:3 VPI/VCI:1/33
[aal5]halChannelSetup(HalDev:94d099e0, HalCh:94dace40, OsSetup:00000000)
  [aal5 Inst 0, Ch 3] Config Dump:
    TxNumBuffers  :00000064, TxNumQueues :00000002
    RxNumBuffers  :00000064, RxBufSize   :00001582
    TxServiceMax  :00000032, RxServiceMax:00000016
    RxBufferOffset:00000000, DaMask      :00000001
    CpcsUU        :00000000, Gfc         :00000000
    Clp           :00000000, Pti         :00000000
    Priority      :00000002, PktType     :00000000
    Vci           :00000033, Vpi         :00000001
    TxVc_CellRate :00015625, TxVc_QosType:00000002
    TxVc_Mbs      :00015625, TxVc_Pcr    :00015625
InitTcb(CH:3): tcbsize:48 allsize:3088 num:64
Memory request 3088 left 253184 ptr 942F90B4
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42F90B4 size:3088
Memory request 3088 left 250096 ptr 942F9CC4
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42F9CC4 size:3088
InitRcb(CH:3): rcbsize:64 allsize:4112 num:64
Memory request 4112 left 245984 ptr 942FA8D4
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42FA8D4 size:4112
Call halChannelSetup(), Ch:3
MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:af
Interface 6 ip =

Init SAR ifno:7 chan:4 VPI/VCI:1/34
[aal5]halChannelSetup(HalDev:94d099e0, HalCh:94dace40, OsSetup:00000000)
  [aal5 Inst 0, Ch 4] Config Dump:
    TxNumBuffers  :00000064, TxNumQueues :00000002
    RxNumBuffers  :00000064, RxBufSize   :00001582
    TxServiceMax  :00000032, RxServiceMax:00000016
    RxBufferOffset:00000000, DaMask      :00000001
    CpcsUU        :00000000, Gfc         :00000000
    Clp           :00000000, Pti         :00000000
    Priority      :00000002, PktType     :00000000
    Vci           :00000034, Vpi         :00000001
    TxVc_CellRate :00015625, TxVc_QosType:00000002
    TxVc_Mbs      :00015625, TxVc_Pcr    :00015625
InitTcb(CH:4): tcbsize:48 allsize:3088 num:64
Memory request 3088 left 242896 ptr 942FB8E4
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42FB8E4 size:3088
Memory request 3088 left 239808 ptr 942FC4F4
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42FC4F4 size:3088
InitRcb(CH:4): rcbsize:64 allsize:4112 num:64
Memory request 4112 left 235696 ptr 942FD104
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42FD104 size:4112
Call halChannelSetup(), Ch:4
MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:b0
Interface 7 ip =

Init SAR ifno:8 chan:5 VPI/VCI:1/35
[aal5]halChannelSetup(HalDev:94d099e0, HalCh:94dace40, OsSetup:00000000)
  [aal5 Inst 0, Ch 5] Config Dump:
    TxNumBuffers  :00000064, TxNumQueues :00000002
    RxNumBuffers  :00000064, RxBufSize   :00001582
    TxServiceMax  :00000032, RxServiceMax:00000016
    RxBufferOffset:00000000, DaMask      :00000001
    CpcsUU        :00000000, Gfc         :00000000
    Clp           :00000000, Pti         :00000000
    Priority      :00000002, PktType     :00000000
    Vci           :00000035, Vpi         :00000001
    TxVc_CellRate :00015625, TxVc_QosType:00000002
    TxVc_Mbs      :00015625, TxVc_Pcr    :00015625
InitTcb(CH:5): tcbsize:48 allsize:3088 num:64
Memory request 3088 left 232608 ptr 942FE114
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42FE114 size:3088
Memory request 3088 left 229520 ptr 942FED24
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42FED24 size:3088
InitRcb(CH:5): rcbsize:64 allsize:4112 num:64
Memory request 4112 left 225408 ptr 942FF934
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B42FF934 size:4112
Call halChannelSetup(), Ch:5
MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:b1
Interface 8 ip =

Init SAR ifno:9 chan:6 VPI/VCI:1/36
[aal5]halChannelSetup(HalDev:94d099e0, HalCh:94dace40, OsSetup:00000000)
  [aal5 Inst 0, Ch 6] Config Dump:
    TxNumBuffers  :00000064, TxNumQueues :00000002
    RxNumBuffers  :00000064, RxBufSize   :00001582
    TxServiceMax  :00000032, RxServiceMax:00000016
    RxBufferOffset:00000000, DaMask      :00000001
    CpcsUU        :00000000, Gfc         :00000000
    Clp           :00000000, Pti         :00000000
    Priority      :00000002, PktType     :00000000
    Vci           :00000036, Vpi         :00000001
    TxVc_CellRate :00015625, TxVc_QosType:00000002
    TxVc_Mbs      :00015625, TxVc_Pcr    :00015625
InitTcb(CH:6): tcbsize:48 allsize:3088 num:64
Memory request 3088 left 222320 ptr 94300944
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B4300944 size:3088
Memory request 3088 left 219232 ptr 94301554
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B4301554 size:3088
InitRcb(CH:6): rcbsize:64 allsize:4112 num:64
Memory request 4112 left 215120 ptr 94302164
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B4302164 size:4112
Call halChannelSetup(), Ch:6
MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:b2
Interface 9 ip =

Init SAR ifno:10 chan:7 VPI/VCI:1/37
[aal5]halChannelSetup(HalDev:94d099e0, HalCh:94dace40, OsSetup:00000000)
  [aal5 Inst 0, Ch 7] Config Dump:
    TxNumBuffers  :00000064, TxNumQueues :00000002
    RxNumBuffers  :00000064, RxBufSize   :00001582
    TxServiceMax  :00000032, RxServiceMax:00000016
    RxBufferOffset:00000000, DaMask      :00000001
    CpcsUU        :00000000, Gfc         :00000000
    Clp           :00000000, Pti         :00000000
    Priority      :00000002, PktType     :00000000
    Vci           :00000037, Vpi         :00000001
    TxVc_CellRate :00015625, TxVc_QosType:00000002
    TxVc_Mbs      :00015625, TxVc_Pcr    :00015625
InitTcb(CH:7): tcbsize:48 allsize:3088 num:64
Memory request 3088 left 212032 ptr 94303174
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B4303174 size:3088
Memory request 3088 left 208944 ptr 94303D84
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B4303D84 size:3088
InitRcb(CH:7): rcbsize:64 allsize:4112 num:64
Memory request 4112 left 204832 ptr 94304994
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B4304994 size:4112
Call halChannelSetup(), Ch:7
MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:b3
Interface 10 ip =

Init SAR ifno:11 chan:8 VPI/VCI:1/38
[aal5]halChannelSetup(HalDev:94d099e0, HalCh:94dace40, OsSetup:00000000)
  [aal5 Inst 0, Ch 8] Config Dump:
    TxNumBuffers  :00000064, TxNumQueues :00000002
    RxNumBuffers  :00000064, RxBufSize   :00001582
    TxServiceMax  :00000032, RxServiceMax:00000016
    RxBufferOffset:00000000, DaMask      :00000001
    CpcsUU        :00000000, Gfc         :00000000
    Clp           :00000000, Pti         :00000000
    Priority      :00000002, PktType     :00000000
    Vci           :00000038, Vpi         :00000001
    TxVc_CellRate :00015625, TxVc_QosType:00000002
    TxVc_Mbs      :00015625, TxVc_Pcr    :00015625
InitTcb(CH:8): tcbsize:48 allsize:3088 num:64
Memory request 3088 left 201744 ptr 943059A4
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B43059A4 size:3088
Memory request 3088 left 198656 ptr 943065B4
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B43065B4 size:3088
InitRcb(CH:8): rcbsize:64 allsize:4112 num:64
Memory request 4112 left 194544 ptr 943071C4
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B43071C4 size:4112
Call halChannelSetup(), Ch:8
MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:b4
Interface 11 ip =

Init SAR ifno:12 chan:9 VPI/VCI:1/39
[aal5]halChannelSetup(HalDev:94d099e0, HalCh:94dace40, OsSetup:00000000)
  [aal5 Inst 0, Ch 9] Config Dump:
    TxNumBuffers  :00000064, TxNumQueues :00000002
    RxNumBuffers  :00000064, RxBufSize   :00001582
    TxServiceMax  :00000032, RxServiceMax:00000016
    RxBufferOffset:00000000, DaMask      :00000001
    CpcsUU        :00000000, Gfc         :00000000
    Clp           :00000000, Pti         :00000000
    Priority      :00000002, PktType     :00000000
    Vci           :00000039, Vpi         :00000001
    TxVc_CellRate :00015625, TxVc_QosType:00000002
    TxVc_Mbs      :00015625, TxVc_Pcr    :00015625
InitTcb(CH:9): tcbsize:48 allsize:3088 num:64
Memory request 3088 left 191456 ptr 943081D4
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B43081D4 size:3088
Memory request 3088 left 188368 ptr 94308DE4
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B4308DE4 size:3088
InitRcb(CH:9): rcbsize:64 allsize:4112 num:64
Memory request 4112 left 184256 ptr 943099F4
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B43099F4 size:4112
Call halChannelSetup(), Ch:9
MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:b5
Interface 12 ip =

Init SAR ifno:13 chan:10 VPI/VCI:1/40
[aal5]halChannelSetup(HalDev:94d099e0, HalCh:94dace40, OsSetup:00000000)
  [aal5 Inst 0, Ch 10] Config Dump:
    TxNumBuffers  :00000064, TxNumQueues :00000002
    RxNumBuffers  :00000064, RxBufSize   :00001582
    TxServiceMax  :00000032, RxServiceMax:00000016
    RxBufferOffset:00000000, DaMask      :00000001
    CpcsUU        :00000000, Gfc         :00000000
    Clp           :00000000, Pti         :00000000
    Priority      :00000002, PktType     :00000000
    Vci           :00000040, Vpi         :00000001
    TxVc_CellRate :00015625, TxVc_QosType:00000002
    TxVc_Mbs      :00015625, TxVc_Pcr    :00015625
InitTcb(CH:10): tcbsize:48 allsize:3088 num:64
Memory request 3088 left 181168 ptr 9430AA04
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B430AA04 size:3088
Memory request 3088 left 178080 ptr 9430B614
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B430B614 size:3088
InitRcb(CH:10): rcbsize:64 allsize:4112 num:64
Memory request 4112 left 173968 ptr 9430C224
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B430C224 size:4112
Call halChannelSetup(), Ch:10
MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:b6
Interface 13 ip =

Init SAR ifno:14 chan:11 VPI/VCI:1/41
[aal5]halChannelSetup(HalDev:94d099e0, HalCh:94dace40, OsSetup:00000000)
  [aal5 Inst 0, Ch 11] Config Dump:
    TxNumBuffers  :00000064, TxNumQueues :00000002
    RxNumBuffers  :00000064, RxBufSize   :00001582
    TxServiceMax  :00000032, RxServiceMax:00000016
    RxBufferOffset:00000000, DaMask      :00000001
    CpcsUU        :00000000, Gfc         :00000000
    Clp           :00000000, Pti         :00000000
    Priority      :00000002, PktType     :00000000
    Vci           :00000041, Vpi         :00000001
    TxVc_CellRate :00015625, TxVc_QosType:00000002
    TxVc_Mbs      :00015625, TxVc_Pcr    :00015625
InitTcb(CH:11): tcbsize:48 allsize:3088 num:64
Memory request 3088 left 170880 ptr 9430D234
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B430D234 size:3088
Memory request 3088 left 167792 ptr 9430DE44
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B430DE44 size:3088
InitRcb(CH:11): rcbsize:64 allsize:4112 num:64
Memory request 4112 left 163680 ptr 9430EA54
Call tn7sar_malloc_dma_xfer() addr:B430EA54 size:4112
Call halChannelSetup(), Ch:11
MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:b7
Interface 14 ip =

IFLNK_PPPOE init : (Linkp)ifno = 15 idx = 2
IFLNK_PPPOE init : (Driverp)ifno = 15 idx = 3
Interface 15 ip =

MAC Address: 00:12:bf:3c:f9:aa
[VLAN] port: 0x000c vlan: 0x0003
[VLAN] ifno: 29 port: 1 vlan: 0x2024
[VLAN] ifno: 29 port: 2 vlan: 0x2022
time = 08/01/2003, 00:00:00
Interface 29 ip =

ruleCheck()> Group: 0,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 1,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
ruleCheck()> Group: 2,  Error: Useless rule index will be truncated
CBAC rule format check succeed !!
reqCBACBuf()> init match pool, Have: 1000
Memory Address: 0x94d2b674 ~ 0x94d323f0
reqCBACBuf()> init timeGap pool, Have: 10000
Memory Address: 0x94d323f0 ~ 0x94d63144
reqCBACBuf()> init sameHost pool, Have: 2000
Memory Address: 0x94d63144 ~ 0x94d72b64
CBAC rule pool initialized !!
Init NAT data structure
RUNTASK id=1 if_task if0...
RUNTASK id=2 if_task if1...
RUNTASK id=3 if_task if2...
RUNTASK id=4 if_task if3...
RUNTASK id=5 if_task if4...
RUNTASK id=6 if_task if5...
RUNTASK id=7 if_task if6...
RUNTASK id=8 if_task if7...
RUNTASK id=9 if_task if8...
RUNTASK id=10 if_task if9...
RUNTASK id=11 if_task if10...
RUNTASK id=12 if_task if11...
RUNTASK id=13 if_task if12...
RUNTASK id=14 if_task if13...
RUNTASK id=15 if_task if14...
RUNTASK id=16 if_task if29...
RUNTASK id=17 timer_task...
RUNTASK id=18 conn_mgr...
RUNTASK id=19 main_8021x...
RUNTASK id=20 period_task...

========== ADSL Modem initialization OK ! ======

RUNTASK id=21 dhcp_daemon...
RUNTASK id=22 telnetd_main...
[absread] flash_init: RAM's limitation is 16M
Found PFS image@94f00000, uncompressed by boot-code!!
httpd: listen at
httpd: listen at
httpd: listen at
RUNTASK httpd...
RUNTASK id=27 dnsproxy...
RUNTASK id=28 snmp_task...
RUNTASK id=29 rip...
RUNTASK id=30 ripout...
RUNTASK id=31 dhcpd_mgmt_task...
UPnP is disabled
UPnP is enabled
TR64 Device initialize success! slot=32
update_device_OUI: OUI_str=0012BF
[0] Allocate mailbox 0
Starting Multitask...
Initializing DSL interface ...
Install ADSL handler ...
Start programming PLL for Sangam chip
clock_ ID = 0x00000009
Run DSP at the preset frequency
Begin DSP firmware Download ...
Section count 200
Section Addr: 147f9c00 Section Length: 15448 
Special CO Profile found
Section Addr: 147f2e00 Section Length: 12300 
Section Addr: 147f8000 Section Length: 1186 
Section Addr: 147f8800 Section Length: 4136 
Section Addr: 147fdc00 Section Length: 924 
Wrote Image; Overlay Pages:11  Profiles:5
POTS Service 
DSL PHY control : 0 defined, 0x500
DSP Firmware Download completed.
Set DSP to 250MHz ...
Modem Co
de: 06.02.[Overlay Page Done  1]
Train Mode: 0xff
Training Mode: MMODE
Start WatchDog ...
MTstart2() begin  ...
ifStrInit()> i:0, dtlStr:[Loop/Loop], rfStr[LB0], type:0, count:1
ifStrInit()> i:1, dtlStr:[LAN 1/LAN1], rfStr[L1], type:1, count:1
ifStrInit()> i:2, dtlStr:[WLAN1/WLAN1], rfStr[WL1], type:3, count:1
ifStrInit()> i:3, dtlStr:[ATM 1/ATM1], rfStr[A1], type:5, count:1
ifStrInit()> i:4, dtlStr:[ATM 2/ATM2], rfStr[A2], type:5, count:2
ifStrInit()> i:5, dtlStr:[ATM 3/ATM3], rfStr[A3], type:5, count:3
ifStrInit()> i:6, dtlStr:[ATM 4/ATM4], rfStr[A4], type:5, count:4
ifStrInit()> i:7, dtlStr:[ATM 5/ATM5], rfStr[A5], type:5, count:5
ifStrInit()> i:8, dtlStr:[ATM 6/ATM6], rfStr[A6], type:5, count:6
ifStrInit()> i:9, dtlStr:[ATM 7/ATM7], rfStr[A7], type:5, count:7
ifStrInit()> i:10, dtlStr:[ATM 8/ATM8], rfStr[A8], type:5, count:8
ifStrInit()> i:11, dtlStr:[ATM 9/ATM9], rfStr[A9], type:5, count:9
ifStrInit()> i:12, dtlStr:[ATM10/ATM10], rfStr[A10], type:5, count:10
ifStrInit()> i:13, dtlStr:[ATM11/ATM11], rfStr[A11], type:5, count:11
ifStrInit()> i:14, dtlStr:[ATM12/ATM12], rfStr[A12], type:5, count:12
ifStrInit()> i:15, dtlStr:[PoE 1/PoE1], rfStr[P1], type:6, count:1
ifStrInit()> i:16, dtlStr:[PoE 2/PoE2], rfStr[P2], type:6, count:2
ifStrInit()> i:17, dtlStr:[PoE 3/PoE3], rfStr[P3], type:6, count:3
ifStrInit()> i:18, dtlStr:[PoE 4/PoE4], rfStr[P4], type:6, count:4
ifStrInit()> i:19, dtlStr:[PoE 5/PoE5], rfStr[P5], type:6, count:5
ifStrInit()> i:20, dtlStr:[PoE 6/PoE6], rfStr[P6], type:6, count:6
ifStrInit()> i:21, dtlStr:[PoE 7/PoE7], rfStr[P7], type:6, count:7
ifStrInit()> i:22, dtlStr:[PoE 8/PoE8], rfStr[P8], type:6, count:8
ifStrInit()> i:23, dtlStr:[PoE 9/PoE9], rfStr[P9], type:6, count:9
ifStrInit()> i:24, dtlStr:[PoE10/PoE10], rfStr[P10], type:6, count:10
ifStrInit()> i:25, dtlStr:[PoE11/PoE11], rfStr[P11], type:6, count:11
ifStrInit()> i:26, dtlStr:[PoE12/PoE12], rfStr[P12], type:6, count:12
ifStrInit()> i:27, dtlStr:[/], rfStr[], type:10, count:0
ifStrInit()> i:28, dtlStr:[/], rfStr[], type:10, count:0
ifStrInit()> i:30, dtlStr:[/], rfStr[], type:10, count:0
TRAP(coldStart) : send ok!
SSDP Initialization completed...
TRAP(authenticationFailure) : send ok!
FSstat: no such file

TR64_Init() : read root xml '/tr64_igd.xml' failed code = 1 !!
wlan_timer_init() ...
restore_hwlan : 0

====== console mode ======
  shift-0: enable debug
  shift-9: enable config
  ENTER  : show this help

====== console mode ======
  shift-0: enable debug
  shift-9: enable config
  ENTER  : show this help

====== console mode ======
  shift-0: enable debug
  shift-9: enable config
  ENTER  : show this help
Running Console Debug... !!!

======= Console Debug =======
 (1)   Alert Mail Testing
 (2)   Web Upgrage
 (3)   Write Web
 (4)   Firmware Upgrage
 (5)   Write Firmware
 (6)   Warm Reboot
 (8)   Show B0,B1 Mem pool
 (a)   <MENU> gConfig
 (b)   <MENU> gSetting
 (c)   <MENU> DHCP Client
 (d)   <MENU> Dial
 (e)   <MENU> Ethernet
 (f)   <MENU> Firewall
 (p)   <MENU> PPPoE
 (s)   <MENU> System
 (w)   <MENU> Wireless
 (x)   Exit
 (?)   Help

======= Console Debug =======
 (1)   Alert Mail Testing
 (2)   Web Upgrage
 (3)   Write Web
 (4)   Firmware Upgrage
 (5)   Write Firmware
 (6)   Warm Reboot
 (8)   Show B0,B1 Mem pool
 (a)   <MENU> gConfig
 (b)   <MENU> gSetting
 (c)   <MENU> DHCP Client
 (d)   <MENU> Dial
 (e)   <MENU> Ethernet
 (f)   <MENU> Firewall
 (p)   <MENU> PPPoE
 (s)   <MENU> System
 (w)   <MENU> Wireless
 (x)   Exit
 (?)   Help

========= Wireless ==========
 (2)   Enable/Disable Wireless Config
 (7)   Current channel
 (r)   Reset for COR=0x80
 (x)   Exit
 (?)   Help

========= Wireless ==========
 (2)   Enable/Disable Wireless Config
 (7)   Current channel
 (r)   Reset for COR=0x80
 (x)   Exit
 (?)   Help

========= Wireless ==========
 (2)   Enable/Disable Wireless Config
 (7)   Current channel
 (r)   Reset for COR=0x80
 (x)   Exit
 (?)   Help
[Debug|Wireless]: user_drv : main loop begin !!!

========= Wireless ==========
 (2)   Enable/Disable Wireless Config
 (7)   Current channel
 (r)   Reset for COR=0x80
 (x)   Exit
 (?)   Help
[Debug|Wireless]: period_task running 300

user_drv : main loop begin !!!

========= Wireless ==========
 (2)   Enable/Disable Wireless Config
 (7)   Current channel
 (r)   Reset for COR=0x80
 (x)   Exit
 (?)   Help
Wireless enable : Y
user_drv : main loop begin !!!

========= Wireless ==========
 (2)   Enable/Disable Wireless Config
 (7)   Current channel
 (r)   Reset for COR=0x80
 (x)   Exit
 (?)   Help
Wireless enable : N
user_drv : main loop begin !!!

Wireless enable : Y

period_task running 360

======= Console Debug =======
 (1)   Alert Mail Testing
 (2)   Web Upgrage
 (3)   Write Web
 (4)   Firmware Upgrage
 (5)   Write Firmware
 (6)   Warm Reboot
 (8)   Show B0,B1 Mem pool
 (a)   <MENU> gConfig
 (b)   <MENU> gSetting
 (c)   <MENU> DHCP Client
 (d)   <MENU> Dial
 (e)   <MENU> Ethernet
 (f)   <MENU> Firewall
 (p)   <MENU> PPPoE
 (s)   <MENU> System
 (w)   <MENU> Wireless
 (x)   Exit
 (?)   Help
[Debug]: user_drv : main loop begin !!!

======== DHCP Client ========
 (0)   Release IP
 (1)   Renew IP
 (2)   Update IP
 (d)   Disable DHCP Client(gConfig)
 (e)   Enable DHCP Client(gConfig)
 (f)   Disable DHCP Client(gSetting)
 (g)   Enable DHCP Client(gSetting)
 (x)   Exit
 (?)   Help

======== DHCP Client ========
 (0)   Release IP
 (1)   Renew IP
 (2)   Update IP
 (d)   Disable DHCP Client(gConfig)
 (e)   Enable DHCP Client(gConfig)
 (f)   Disable DHCP Client(gSetting)
 (g)   Enable DHCP Client(gSetting)
 (x)   Exit
 (?)   Help
[Debug|DHCP_CLT]: user_drv : main loop begin !!!
user_drv : main loop begin !!!
period_task running 420


Here a copy of the sources for ADAM2 (
